Importing to the Database
There are many ways to import data/inventory into the UBIC System.
Initial Inventory Program
- The Inventory Program is a software module used in conjunction with the UBIC System and database. Using a hand held data collector, scan EAN barcodes of the books on the shelves into the unit. It holds approximately 200 barcodes which are then uploaded to the UBIC database and entered into inventory. A printed report confirms upload and any ISBN's which did not match the database. These items can be added to the database to complete your inventory.
This program is also very useful for re-inventory.
UBIC-2000/2003/2005 Software & Database
CS-1504 Portable Data Collector
Ingram i-Page
- Import information from Ingram's I-Page (create an I-page List & download it)
- Download an I-Page Order
- Upload a selected title to the main UBIC database.
- Upload the complete list to the main UBIC database.
Title Source
- Search Title Source CD by ISBN, Author & Title then upload information to the main UBIC database.
The ReaderWare program allows you to enter or import a list of ISBNs, then pick multiple web sites to search for author/title/publisher/price information. The results of the internet search can then be uploaded into the UBIC main database.
The program retails for about $40.00 and is available as a web download.